Are you someone who is frequently pouring into others at home, work, or ministry and are feeling burned out? Where do YOU go to seek care for YOU?
Maybe you are a counselor, social worker, nurse, doctor, teacher, or any sort of caring profession and need a safe space to process how being on the front lines may be impacting your personal life, health, or mental health. Maybe you are seeking support for the load that you shoulder. Or maybe you are a leader in women’s or college or youth or church ministry and need a safe space to process how outpouring is impacting you. Or maybe you are caring for a family member, spouse, or children from home and are struggling to find ways to care for yourself. Maybe you feel like helping others has become your identity or like you are losing yourself and meeting your own needs in the process.
Do you know the tools to be healthy within your own home, profession, or ministry as a caregiver? As the saying goes, you have to put on your own gas mask BEFORE putting it on others— is YOUR mask on? Let’s chat about self-care, boundaries, healthy and sustainable rhythms, advocating for your own needs, etc. to name a few. What an honor to be YOUR safe space where YOU get to let your hair down and be poured INTO.