Do you fixate on certain thoughts or doubts? Do you repeat rituals? Do you have a persistent image or thought that causes you anxiety? Do you find yourself trying to suppress thoughts or images through another action or thought?

Maybe you need absolute certainty in order to feel safe-this could affect any part of your day from how you think, clean, work, or manage life. You are paralyzed to leave the house before checking that door for the 10th time. You feel dirty for having a thought about sex that won’t leave. You feel ultimately responsible for things that aren’t yours to carry. You find yourself micromanaging thoughts, situations or relationships because any shred of uncertainty feels unsafe. In this often hidden struggle that can sometimes feel like a prison, you might be feeling isolated and like no one could possibly understand what it’s like to be you with these specific fears on maybe a daily basis. Your body may be experiencing specific symptoms like heart racing, sweating, nausea, etc… that leave you feeling confused, ashamed, or unsure of what to do. Or you might find that you have avoided certain situations altogether. I want to sit with you in your places of fear and over time show you the source of peace. Let’s talk together about the symptoms and thoughts you are experiencing as well as what holistic support for you can look like.