Do you have a chronic health condition?

Maybe you have a hidden health condition that feels unseen to others but is weighing on you. It could be conditions related to blood sugar, thyroid, adrenal, hormonal, PCOS, chronic pain or fatigue, food intolerances, chemical sensitives, allergies, fibromyalgia, or other struggles. Or maybe you have a health condition that may be more obvious such as a form of cancer. Maybe you are suffering from the long-term effects of Covid. Or you are going through a scary surgery that will put limitations on you and your activities. But maybe something is wrong and you do not know what it is and are sorting through what to do.

There is so much to navigate when it comes to chronic health conditions.

Let me be an emotional support to you as you learn about your health condition from your provider, befriend yourself and your body in non-shaming self-talk about your condition, navigate the medical system in a way that advocates for your health, make healthy steps to educate and care for yourself with your health condition, educate your loved ones on your condition, and learn to thrive in a life that may have a different lifestyle than you anticipated having.

I am here to help you to grieve the losses as well as celebrate how you can experience growth as a person because of your health condition. You and ALL that your beautiful body is going through is welcome here.