An Invitation for Emotions
Depression, Anxiety Rachel Kuchem Depression, Anxiety Rachel Kuchem

An Invitation for Emotions

Are you feeling tired, worn down, anxious, depressed, or spiritually thirsty right now in the middle of our messy world? Whether you are feeling alone and isolated in this season because of lack of social interaction or are feeling burned out from too much interaction with the people around you or are a combination of both, the Psalms in Scripture offer an authentic place for us to voice our cares, questions, and feelings.

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The Beauty of Uncertainty
Anxiety Rachel Kuchem Anxiety Rachel Kuchem

The Beauty of Uncertainty

What does it practically look like to rest in the certainty of God's character in the midst of uncertainty? Sometimes in the face of uncertainty the bravest, most God-glorifying thing that we can do is to just "do the next thing" (a quote often used by Elisabeth Eliot). It doesn't have to look radical.

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